Monday 6 August 2012

Studio 54 @ The Pittenweem Arts Festival 2012

Crochet Jacket, Sarah McLeod
photo by Eden McLeod

House and Studio, Pittenweem
photo by Eden McLeod

Studio 54 had another successful Pittenweem Arts Festival with great weather and many appreciative visitors.
This years exhibition comprised of the textile work of Sarah McLeod, Esther McLeod and Kate Airlie, the books by their mother Nanzie McLeod, and a continuing retrospective of the work of John McGhie, Nanzie's grandfather and the founder of the studio.
Also included was the still lives and flower paintings of John's daughter Anne Cumming.

Nanzie guided talks on the history of the studio, portrait by Sarah McLeod
photo by Eden McLeod

Knitwear - Kate Airlie
Knitwear - Kate Airlie
Portrait of his wife Agnes - by John McGhie

Textile work - Esther McLeod
Object trouves - Sarah McLeod
Hyperbolic crochet - Sarah McLeod

Millar and Eden - refreshment time

Objet trouves - Sarah McLeod

Poppy - latest member of  Studio 54

view from the garden- The Bass Rock

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